Service Request (RMA)
For domestic USA customers
Before filling out the request form below, please note the following:
- Please fill out below form completely and submit. You will receive RMA number immediately on the next page to send your product for Repair
- Upon receipt of confirmation, Please print out the confirmation page and include in the box with your returning item(s). Write the RMA# on the outside of the box and ship to Fieldpiece Instruments Inc.
Service Request Form
All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
* Please Note:
- All returns must be shipped freight prepaid.
- Warranty only applies if product is purchased from Fieldpiece Authorized dealer.
- Warranty does not apply to defects resulting from abuse, neglect, accident, unauthorized repair, alteration, or unreasonable use of the instrument.
- All products are warranted for one year from date of purchase only to original purchaser and are not transferable.
- Include proof of purchase for warranty claims. If you do not have proof of purchase, Fieldpiece will contact you if it is determined that your product is out of warranty.
- If the product is a non-warranty repair, we offer flat rate pricing (including shipping back).
- Repair or replacement decisions are at the sole discretion of Fieldpiece Instruments Inc.